Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private

First, Party lessons study

Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private
Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private

June 30, held by the party branch secretary to “salute the resistance to America and aid North Korea · Strive to do new era” as the theme of the thematic study of the party class. The original intention is easy to get, always difficult to keep. We should see clearly from the Party’s struggle, why we were successful in the past, and how we can continue to succeed in the future. Persist in learning, continue to carry forward the glorious tradition, always inherit and carry forward the great spirit of Party building!

Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private
Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private

Ii. Flag-raising ceremony

Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private
Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private

On July 1st, all colleagues of Dongguan Tianyi Precision Mechanical and Electrical Co., Ltd. participated in the solemn flag-raising ceremony. After that, Party Branch Secretary Zhou Yu and President Yin made an important speech. The Communist Party of China carries forward the great spirit of Party building, builds up the spiritual pedigree of Chinese Communists in the long struggle, and temperes distinct political character. We must adhere to the Party’s founding mission, uphold truth and ideals, fulfill its founding mission, fear no sacrifice, fight bravely, be loyal to the Party, live up to the people, and remember the source of the CPC spirit.

Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private
Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private

Three, Operation Thunder

Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private
Shoulder the red mission, strive for the light of private

After the flag-raising ceremony, members of the President’s Office, Sales department, customer service Department, Purchasing department and management committee will hold the launch ceremony of Thunder Action. The content of the conference will be the mission of the Party, the spirit of the Party into our work, life. In the face of difficulties, not afraid to move forward as a pioneer. We must constantly improve our political judgment, understanding, and execution, and consciously align our thinking and actions with the direction of the Party. We will work together to further raise our spirits, strengthen confidence, highlight key issues, pay close attention to implementation, and promote all work to make new breakthroughs, so as to make greater contribution to the development of the company.

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